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What we can learn from shadowing a 6th grader

Life as a 6th Grader

How long has it been since you were 11 years old? For me, it was over 24 years ago. It hurts to think back that far. I remember pulling up to school each morning in a bright green van with Michael Jackson music blurting over the speakers. I also remember telling my parents to turn the music off the minute I arrived at school. I had to play it "cool." Middle School was exceptionally tough. I was always trying to fit in, hoping not do anything that would embarrass me. Imagine having to go back to that excruciating time at the age you are now. Last week I had the privilege of interviewing a brave and visionary leader who did exactly that. He laced up his shoes, put on his backpack and attended one of the middle schools he oversees. Meet Randy, the superintendent of the innovative Salisbury District in Pennsylvania. This year, his administrative team decided that in order to better craft a vision for student learning in his district, they had to experience what it was like in their shoes.

Listen to him reflect on his experience in our conversation below. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

To learn more about Randy's work, please check out the links below:

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Kyle Wagner
School Transformation and Project- Based Learning Coach

I coach school leaders on how to lead change and improve student learning through simple, innovative srategies and teaming structures.

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Change doesn't have to be so hard. This book equips leaders with simple strategies for school transformation; helping schools conquer standards, individualize learning, and create a community of innovators.

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